Affiliate Sign-Up

Share your LOVE of HerpHouse Mag & GET PAID!

Since we started we’ve always been asked to begin an affiliate program. Here’s your chance to spread the knowledge & get paid to do it! HerpHouse Mag offers an exclusive Affiliate Program where anyone with internet access can sell our magazine.

In order to sell the magazine you’ve got to know what you’re selling right?

So if you’re not already a subscriber grab a subscription. Be sure to use AFFILIATE in the Discount Code Area of checkout to receive 30% off cover! After we’ve confirmed your subscription we’ll send you a specific affiliate ID which is your personal discount code to be distributed as you see fit. We supply all the graphics, videos, & any promotional material needed for you to succeed!

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*Affiliate Sales are paid out the following month after all transactions and returns have been calculated. Percentage of affiliate sales are predetermined and non-negotiable.

**In addition to monetary compensation of sales of HerpHouse Mag; you as an affiliate, can also receive exclusive access to products, services, and substantial discounts from our 3rd party providers. (For example product reviewers, discounted rates for various services, and more.)

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